
Sara C., subject teacher: “Thank you for this amazing project. I cannot express how useful it is for me, starting my new job as a math teacher next week. Thank you!”

Kerry E., mentor: “What a wonderful resource, and what a brilliant way to build the book! While I’m an experienced teacher, I am in a position right now with teachers leaving and new faculty coming in where I am mentoring across many grades, with the added complexity of our school having split grades. I will be promoting your diary as a clear walk-through for forming your class.
I am at the stage in my teaching where I use a short form for lesson planning, and this has been a wonderful resource for me to learn how to lay things out for my mentees. I’ll also be mentioning it to anyone taking up mentoring as a crash course in adult education around mentoring.
Some of the things I really appreciate about the way you’ve laid out your diary – the deliberate pacing you include in the instructions. The little scripts are as helpful for setting mood as the lighting of candles and other visual and rhythm-based cues.
I wish I’d had this last summer when we hired the teacher with no Waldorf training who was coming from a public school. I appreciate you including things like letters to class parents, and the housekeeping and administrative work you share in this resource. This is definitely a place where my mentees need a lot of support.
It is nice to see a resource that is so clearly from a class teacher perspective rather than a homeschooler. I homeschooled for many years before becoming a class teacher. I didn’t have access to classroom observation and your diary reads like I’m observing quietly from the back of the room.”

Dallas W., homeschooling parent: “This is exactly what I’ve been searching for and I thought I had exhausted every option. This is a perfect resource for me. I am a Waldorf Early Childhood educator and parent/child teacher. I am also homeschooling my third grader alongside several much younger siblings. This takes away so much stress and ensures I will be doing my children justice as their teacher. Thank you so much for taking the time to share these valuable diaries. I can’t wait to see more class 3 material! Thank you!”

Melissa K., homeschooling parent: “This block was such a great resource! I had done Norse Mythology once before in our homeschooling with my oldest. This added so many ideas, verses, artwork, writing and really made it much more enjoyable for my second child. It is so helpful to see the whole block laid out with everything included and notes on how to present it. I find all her blocks easy to adapt and use in our homeschooling.”

Scherry P., class teacher: “I love your material. It’s genuine Waldorf.”

May A., homeschooling parent: “I love this resource. It’s not just ‘open and go’ (although it could be that, too). It’s laid out so thoughtfully step by step, that apart from Fabienne’s chapters and the recommended books, stories, songs, poems, etc. you pretty much need nothing else. And at such an affordable price. I had an extremely hard time finding Waldorf curricula because they are extremely expensive and hard to purchase per block or book, but not this. And you get the most authentic Waldorf experience, more than any other resource, given that it’s a diary of a Waldorf teacher with her students across the 7 years, and who’s also been a student herself. I found that it gives me a great peek into what goes on throughout the day, and it’s such a great model I can use and learn from. Almost like going to a school! Because of that, I can pretty much adapt it to teach any topic I like, such as topics that might reflect my religion and culture more authentically that are not present in mainstream curricula. And it’s not ‘do this/don’t do that’. It tells you how to do things and explains why, it has pictures of work, everything. It’s literally a detailed, step-by-step diary of the day, and I found the naming of blocks ‘chapters’ so charming, because it’s a memoir or story of a Waldorf teacher and perfectly in line with the love for stories found in this method.
All in all, so beautifully made, and with so much love. I can emulate lessons, teach them as is, or adapt them very easily for other topics. I can focus on just finding supplies and materials to use with my children. It’s so charming and authentic, easy to navigate and understand, and not overwhelming at all. You get to see what a main lesson looks like, finally. I found I was actually getting a lot of ideas going through the chapter versus when I was looking at other Waldorf guides, because I was able to see exactly what is involved with focus and application. I’m so happy it’s here, and really look forward to more of it being published soon. Thank you so much, Fabienne.”

Breanna V., homeschooling parent: “We have started CM last year but have always been called to Waldorf. Your site and resources are giving me the courage to take that leap! Thank you! So happy I found this site!”

Kris C.: “The free chapter is so thoughtfully put together to really get a sense of a class flow with rich content.”

Christina C., Waldorf-Inspired Learning Center: This is the most practical, comprehensive and robust teacher guide I have seen. This helps guide the teacher with an editable script to get a sense of a successful class flow. And it’s priced well for many budgets; allowing to purchase as you go for those who cannot afford (or need) the entire curriculum at once. I cannot wait for the next grades!”

Estelle V., homeschooling parent: “You are beautifully holding the hand of any new teacher or homeschooling parent here. Every step is well presented and explained.”

Monika B., new Class 1 teacher: “Thanks for sharing your knowledge, they are very precious informations!”

Corrie J., homeschooling parent: “What a lovely gift to your readers, together with needed support and guidance. Everyone buying into your project will receive so much more than what they are paying for, and hoping for.”

Ragnhild H., Art therapist: “An interesting diary, clear, easy to find, beautiful pictures of happy creative children. An inspiration for teachers and exciting for students. I am impressed with your work!”

Cassius W., trainee teacher: “As a novice teacher myself, I am ever grateful for those in the profession willing to pass on their wisdom, skills and experience. Fabienne’s contribution is highly valuable material for those trainee teachers just getting to grips with teaching the ‘Steiner way’, as well as those more experienced educators looking for a fresh perspective.”

Hannah H., class teacher: “I am a mentor to a new class teacher. Your chapters are proving to be soooooo helpful. Thank you Fabienne, and well done for producing such a comprehensive collection of articles and main lesson guides / resources / illustrations etc.”

Ivana C., primary school teacher: What a useful, interesting read!”

Write to fabwolf@waldorfdiary.com or use Contact to contribute your friendly feedback. Thank you!


  1. Roberto Trostli

    I am very impressed by the quantity and quality of Fabienne’s work. She has clearly thought about every detail, researched the possibilities, and then crafted materials that will be useful for any teacher to consider and to emulate.

    Fabienne’s work is truly exemplary, in the original sense of the word: serving as an example. Her thoughtfulness, originality, creativity and thoroughness are evident throughout, and her commitment to rhythm, hygiene, and balance shine through. Fabienne’s work also reveals the depth of her understanding of the curriculum and of her students at each point in their development, and it demonstrates the depth of her relationship with and her appreciation and gratitude for their parents.

    Congratulations, Fabienne, for taking on this truly Herculean project on behalf of Waldorf teachers everywhere! I stand in awe of your dedication, talent, and perseverance.

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