Advent, Karma and the Problem with Santa

About European Advent traditions in Waldorf Schools, Saint Nicholas as a representative of the law of karma, and the problem with Santa, his American cousin. Adventus is the time when Christendom prepares for the arrival of Jesus. The Legenda aurea lists the four weeks of Advent as symbolic of the four comings of Christ: coming …

Beauty, Contours and the Use of Black

Waldorf pedagogy is based on the ancient and universal human ideal of Truth, Goodness and Beauty. Beautiful impressions and surroundings have long been known to stimulate actions that are morally good, while unlovely impressions and ugly environments do the opposite. How do we instil a sense of beauty in the children we teach, how do …

Form Drawing – Why? What? How?

Waldorf pedagogy is concerned with what lies behind the actions we carry out; with the effects which sounds, colours, images, words, gestures and movements have on children’s souls. We regard these souls not as empty vessels to be filled with information, but as entities, malleable as warm wax upon which even subtle impressions leave formative …