
Copyright © 2022 Fabienne Wolf Tellenbach

The right of Fabienne Wolf Tellenbach to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.

The name and original content of the author’s website and the chapters of her teaching guide A WALDORF DIARY are protected by global copyright law, and all rights are reserved.

By buying digital chapters or downloading free material from this site, you confirm that you have made yourself aware of the binding terms regarding their use. To avoid legal consequences, it is essential that you abide by these terms.

A WALDORF DIARY’s Terms of Use are as follows:

The chapters of A WALDORF DIARY are sold separately, licensed for the buyer’s personal use only. They may not be altered, modified, translated, rented, leased, loaned, resold, nor passed on to others. Should you wish to share a chapter, you must buy an additional copy for each recipient. This also applies to schools.

The author wishes to keep her teaching guide as affordable as possible, despite steep overhead costs. So, to keep business fair and prices low, every user is required to buy a personal copy – just as if they were booking a seminar.

No part of it may be printed (except for the buyer’s personal use alone), copied or otherwise reproduced, altered in any way, stored in a retrieval system, translated, published, distributed, shared or transmitted in any form and by any means without first obtaining the author’s written permission.

The fair use of quotations is acceptable if title, author and website are clearly stated.

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No one may change or delete the author’s attribution, source information and copyright notice.

Buying A WALDORF DIARY’s chapters does not give you ownership rights to their content. Altering their original form in any way is strictly prohibited, as is their unauthorised translation and commercial exploitation. Violators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

With few exceptions, the snapshots of children that illustrate this website and A WALDORF DIARY are the author’s. These children, now adults, permit using the images in this way. Their names in the diary have been changed. Should you be able to identify anyone, you are bound by the author’s Terms and Conditions to preserve their anonymity.

Note: Teachers often rely on copyrighted source material and benefit from the concept of ‘fair use’. Should you, as the author of a book, text, song, play or poem mentioned in A WALDORF DIARY find that this mention exceeds fair use – or, as could be argued, free publicity – then get in touch so that the issue can be resolved to your satisfaction.