Introducing the Neat Guide Sheet

The Waldorf Main Lesson Book’s blank pages naturally raise the question: Why should children write without guidelines? What is the point of this challenge that is, at first sight, such a hindrance? As usual in Waldorf Education, there are several aspects to consider and understand. Otherwise, this too becomes a bullet point on the list …

How to Make the Most of Main Lesson Books

Before Rudolf Steiner’s curriculum, pupils were always made to learn from written texts. This historic tradition began with clay tablets and papyrus scrolls, moved to illuminated parchments and continues to this day with printed books. The Waldorf School’s Main Lesson Books break with this tradition, as with so many others. Instead of learning from books …

Main Lesson Myths that need Debunking

In Waldorf circles, we find several pervasive myths about the creation of Main Lesson blocks. And these myths are overtaxing many a class teacher, for they imply that getting help is somehow incompatible with our ideal of individual and creative teaching. These myths contribute to questionable outcomes in the classroom, and they lower the expected …

Beauty, Contours and the Use of Black

Waldorf pedagogy is based on the ancient and universal human ideal of Truth, Goodness and Beauty. Beautiful impressions and surroundings have long been known to stimulate actions that are morally good, while unlovely impressions and ugly environments do the opposite. How do we instil a sense of beauty in the children we teach, how do …

Form Drawing – Why? What? How?

Waldorf pedagogy is concerned with what lies behind the actions we carry out; with the effects which sounds, colours, images, words, gestures and movements have on children’s souls. We regard these souls not as empty vessels to be filled with information, but as entities, malleable as warm wax upon which even subtle impressions leave formative …


Waldorf Education – The Beginning How did Waldorf Education Come About? Where and When did it Begin? And What is it?