By ordering these chapters, you confirm that you are aware of the author’s terms regarding their use. To avoid legal consequences, it is essential that you abide by these terms, so be sure to read this important notice. These are A WALDORF DIARY’s Main Lesson chapters for Class 6 in chronological order: For details of …
Read more “Class 6 Index”
There is nothing about Waldorf Education that does not raise questions, not even the simple matter of Class 1’s first set of personal wax crayons: Should they get stick and block crayons at the same time? Just the primary colours, or the full range from the start? What were they using in Kindergarten? Are there …
Read more “Crayon Colours: How Many Should Class 1 Use?”
The Waldorf Main Lesson Book’s blank pages naturally raise the question: Why should children write without guidelines? What is the point of this challenge that is, at first sight, such a hindrance? As usual in Waldorf Education, there are several aspects to consider and understand. Otherwise, this too becomes a bullet point on the list …
Read more “Introducing the Neat Guide Sheet”
Before Rudolf Steiner’s curriculum, pupils were always made to learn from written texts. This historic tradition began with clay tablets and papyrus scrolls, moved to illuminated parchments and continues to this day with printed books. The Waldorf School’s Main Lesson Books break with this tradition, as with so many others. Instead of learning from books …
Read more “How to Make the Most of Main Lesson Books”
This illustrated record of a Waldorf class, growing and learning together for seven years, shows how one can craft engaging lessons, develop a topic and set creative tasks. Reducing preparation time, doubt, anxiety and stress, its examples also want to inspire teachers to adapt its England-based content to their own cultural setting. It is not …
Read more “The Diary”
Stations of Education When Father’s job as an engineer took his young family from Austria to Canada, I was enrolled in the kindergarten of a convent because it lay on his way to work. Aged four I learnt my first word of English – garbage – and my Canadian accent made Mother laugh. Playing on a heap of snow with …
Read more “The Story”
I am a former Waldorf pupil, Visual Arts student, graphic designer and Waldorf parent who left the world of Swiss advertising to teach German and Art at a Waldorf School in England. A few years and much useful experience later, I switched to class teaching and accompanied a lovely group of children for seven years, …
Read more “The Author”